Part-time counselor in residence, Pastor Judy Johnson provides counseling services are now available in the synod office for rostered leaders in the Western Iowa Synod, including pastors, chaplains, specialized ministers, those holding leadership roles in the Synod and their immediate families. Pastor-Counselor Judy Johnson, a licensed mental health counselor, serves as a part-time Counselor-in-Residence, by appointment only. Her services are free of charge to rostered leaders and families.
Born and raised in the Twin Cities, Pastor Johnson hold a bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota and a master of divinity from Luther Seminary. Ordained in 1982, she served congregations in South Dakota through 2009, including senior pastor in Vermillion, SD. While in Vermillion, she earned a Master's degree in Counseling, from the University of South Dakota.
She is currently serves Lutheran and the Methodist congregations in Melvin and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor at the Creative Living Center in Rock Valley, Iowa. To make an appointment, call 605-881-2241 or email me.