We are called to do God’s work in the world and that compels us to be prayerful, thoughtful and courageous as we discuss and make decisions about how to go about God’s work as a church.
The Western Iowa Synod Assembly is the primary decision-making body of the Western Iowa Synod and gathers every year. Voting members are chosen from local congregations. Together with other leaders of the ELCA and guided by the Holy Spirit, they discuss the work of the church in the world and make decisions reflecting the challenges we face and the strengths we all bring to loving and serving our neighbors — locally and globally — in the name of Jesus Christ.
When the Western Iowa Assembly convenes, its voting members meet with confidence in God’s grace around word and water, wine and bread, to carry on their work on behalf the entire church. Over the course of the weekend, voting members:
· Hear reports and review the work of synod and churchwide officers, leaders and units;
· Receive and consider proposals from conferences, congregations, or individuals;
· Elect leaders as specified by the constitution or bylaws;
· Establish Western Iowa Synod policy;
· Worship together;
· Adopt a budget; and
· Conduct other business related to the Western Iowa Synod.
The Western Iowa Synod Assembly can be lively and challenging, yet it is respectful of the diverse nature of the church and the world we live in. It reflects how we participate in God’s work in the world while embracing each other’s questions, perspectives, complexities and strengths. It provides a time and place for growth and change while remaining rooted in Scripture, tradition, Lutheran confessions and the rich histories of our congregations and communities.