Welcome to The Western Iowa Synod

Situated on lush farmland, nestled within and east of the rolling Loess Hills and the storied Missouri River, the Western Iowa Synod is one of 3 ELCA Synods in Iowa and one of 65 ELCA Synods in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.

With a diverse and faith-filled history of native people and early settlers from Europe, we are joyfully called as servants to accompany over 40,000 baptized members, 116 congregations and their leaders in guiding all people to God’s saving grace.


The congregations of the Synod are currently grouped into six Conferences. Conferences are responsible for developing and sharing programs with and for the congregations. They are also about the work of encouraging a spirit of mutuality in ministry among the congregations and between the congregations and the synod.

To this end, each Conference meets and selects conference leaders. The conference also nominates leaders to serve on Synod Council, boards and synod committees.

Where Does My Offering Go?