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All Earth Is Hopeful (verse 3)

Mountains and valleys will have to be prepared.
New highways opened; new protocols declared.
Almost here! God is nearing, in beauty and grace!
All clear every gateway, in haste, come out in haste!

God is nearing in beauty and grace!

Driving the 70 miles from home to office this past week God graced the morning and evening sky with an outrageous palette of deep orange, lavender, and turquoise! The prairie sky was exquisite. A gift! A reminder of the power and beauty with which God graces our lives each and every day.

Yet, as I drive these county roads through acres of rich Iowa farmland, in awe of God’s glorious handiwork I am troubled. Troubled by the news stories I hear from my car radio:

- the unfathomable number of deaths due to the Covid virus
- the concerning resistance by many to wear a mask and care for their neighbor
- the rapidly growing number of hungry families in Iowa
- the horrifying fact of racist hatred in our communities

Yet, it is into this troubled and sinful world that God comes bringing grace and beauty. The gift of Emmanuel, God with us. The beauty of the sky. A box of food. Words love replacing hatred.

It is Advent. We watch. We wait. We light candles. We hope.

And we pray. Come Lord Jesus, come in haste.