Congregations in the Western low Synod have generously supported companion parishes in the Southern Diocese of Tanzania that are hosting Iringa Hope cooperatives. This summary describes the benefits of Iringa Hope and the status of membership in the Iringa Hope cooperatives in the Southern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT). The 2021 Iringa Hope Annual Report accompanies this summary in the Ministry Partners Report.

Iringa Hope supports 39 Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) in the Southern Diocese and the Iringa Diocese in Tanzania. SACCOS cooperatives provide Micro Finance loans to smallholder farmers that enable them to purchase fertilizer, hybrid seed and other farming input supplies that can triple members' yields and income from their crops.

Iringa Hope also supports 27 Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Societies (AMCOS) in the Southern Diocese and the Iringa Diocese in Tanzania. AMCOS cooperatives aggregate fertilizer, hybrid seed and other input supplies for cooperative members. By aggregating large purchases of supplies, members are assured of receiving quality products that they specify, on time, delivered to their villages.

Download the full Iringa Hope Western Iowa Synod Report and the Iringa Hope Annual Report in the downloads section below.

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