PRESIDENT                                                                               TREASURER
Sue Boblit (2022-2024)                                                       Linda Clarke
H 712-262-8244                                                                      H 712-253-4826
C 712-260-2258                                                             


New WISWO Board 2023-2024

Front Row Seated - Sue Boblit/ President, Susan Geiger/ Justice, Ladonna Schaeffer/ Discipleship,

Standing- Jan Rosdail-Aergerter/ Justice, Natalie Passow/Stewardship, Billie Jo Shahan /Vice President, Jan Grell/ Discipleship, Diane Ohrtman/Secretary, Marge Tindall/Discipleship, and Jeanne Handeland/Stewardship         Missing: Linda Clarke, Treasurer





Western Iowa Synod Women's Organization

The Western Iowa Synod's Women's Organization (WISWO) is comprised of women from throughout the synod who gather for service, study, advocacy, fellowship and more. Some of the ministries supported by WISWO include: Igumbilo Girls Secondary School, Center for Agricultural Development and Lutheran World Relief & Global Health Ministries.

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